Keely and Lilly

Fring, Cool but not like this!
I have to say a little fring is in right now because of the whole peace and hippe deal. Now I think that its cuit to have a little fringe because I kind of like the whole hippe thing but this is just fring gone too far! this is just bad? who would ware this? OH!! I know!! Jessica Simpson in one of her music videos!!! ok well for those of us who arn't Jessica Simpson we shall not ware these!!! WHO EVER MADE THIS IS UNDER ARREST!!!!!

This is the new Marc Jacobs backless cardigan. What is wrong with these Desigers? Why do they constantly disapoint us with ugly designs? First Prada now you Marc? I though you knew better! Who would ware that. I'll answer that NO ONE! you are just losing money by making something like this! YOU MARC, ARE UNDER ARESST!

This is the 2009 Fall colection from Prada. I've got to tell you that I've never really liked Prada and its kind of for this very same reason. THE NEVER HAVE ANYTHING CUIT! I'm sorry if you disagree with me that is just my personal opinon. What was Prada thinking. Who in God's name would EVER ware that. Other than the models of course because they already are waring them. But the diffrence is when you go in a store you pay, when your a model you get paid for waring something as gross as this. PRADA, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMANE SILENT! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST BY THE FASHION POLICE FOR VIOLATION OF GOOD SENSE!!!

OMG! I think these are the ugliest shoesI have ever seen in my entire life! I mean yes crocs aren't neccesarly in style but they have made some cute things. But i have to say I almost barfed when i saw a lady wearing them! Keely also saw the girl wear them and she almost barfed also! CROCS! U ARE NOW UNDER ARREST FOR BEING SO STUPID AS TO HAVE MADE THESE SHOES!