Keely and Lilly

Uhhhh.... Wat is with those boots? Ummm.. They are UH-gly. And are those pants or leggings I can'y tell but anyway that jacket does NOT go and is not evern cute so rihanna if Chris was cheating on you look at your outfit that might give you a hint.

Lady GaGa
Rating 4.2
all I want to know is, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?? I mean you can obviouly tell that she is trying to stay out. Other wise she wouldn't be waring that rediculus dress. The worst part is she doesn't even look good! get a better idea of standing out because you are trying way to hard

Vanessa Hudgens
I like it. Its a very casual outfit but I really like it. I really really like the glasses though. That has to be my favorite part. It would look even better if you had like a colorful bag though because that would be really cool.

Jessica Simpson
Rating from us (out of 10) 4.3
I love, love, LOVE the LV ( Louis Vitton for those of us who are, fashion handycapped) its a little over sized but who doesn't love a good LV? But jess, I gata tell ya, Really the outfit is HORRIBAL! your jeans, they're granny jeans! they do nothin for ya! I like the coat and the shirt, just no together!

Ashely Tisdale
Rating: 9.5
Great Ashely! You look great! Your like a super hero, SEXY LADY! You can stun the boys with your Super Sexy Powers!!! The red shirt really makes your hair pop! and you look really good in the shorty short jeans. I mean people like me don't look good in them but that outfit really makes me feel better!

Mischa Barton
Great Job! I totally heat your hair! You look very feminin in this outfit the pants and the heels i love! Also that jacket is awesome! The couple things I didn't like was I think you needed to add a little more color into your wardrobe also that is a lot of rings (for right now I would just stick with 2)!